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Remembering Arrow Sheet Metal Products' Founder, Fred Crocki

In honor of Memorial Day, Arrow Sheet Metal would like to remember and sincerely thank all the men and women of the United States Armed Forces who sacrifice so much to maintain our freedom.  In the spirit of honoring those who have meant so much to us, I’d like to share a little history about my father and the company that still reflects his spirit after nearly 40 years.


Fred Cirocki grew up in Germany. A plumber by trade with an 8th grade education, he came to Denver at the age of 24. Shortly after, he started work at a local sheet metal company.  Although he knew nothing about the business, he learned fast and moved up quickly. In his early 30s, he partnered with two other co-workers and started his first company – Jet Precision Sheet Metal. With some used equipment, a couple of customers and a lot of hard work, my father parlayed the success of Jet Precision into the formation of Arrow Sheet Metal Products in 1976.

Over the years, Arrow Sheet Metal developed a reputation for skillful, high-quality manufacturing, which attracted large customers like Honeywell, AT&T and Hewlett Packard. I can still remember customers bringing my father part designs drawn on scraps of paper and how he figured out how to manufacture them.  He was like that – the kind of person who could do anything. From fixing my scraped knee to building his own TV, what he didn’t know, he learned.  And he loved technology! My father was always the first one to embrace the latest industry inventions. In fact, he actually wrote Arrow’s first estimating software program.

Just like my father, my knowledge of the sheet metal industry was acquired through years of hands on learning.  From him I learned the value of doing a job right and standing behind your work. Although the manufacturing industry has changed dramatically, his integrity, morals and dedication to service still guide our daily operations. I was extremely fortunate to have a father like Fred Cirocki and treasure the opportunity to preserve his legacy by ensuring every Arrow customer receives personal service and high quality products.  For those that haven’t tried Arrow yet, I encourage you to give us a try and experience for yourselves the difference found in working with a company created by a truly great man.


Susan Cirocki



Arrow Sheet Metal Products Co.

2890 West 62nd Avenue | Denver, CO

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